Sunday, February 28, 2010

28th Feb 2010

Brandon Marsh
Ringed Plover (Willow Island) ...... K.Yates

6 x Curlew, 12 x Goosander , 4 x Oystercatcher , Tawny Owl, Marsh and Willow Tit.....Tame Valley Birding.

Earlswood Lake
Mandarin Duck x 2 (1 x drake) also 19 x Goosander.......M Griffiths.

Fishers Mill
Smew x 2 on South Pit.....Birdguides.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

27th Feb 2010

Waxwing, Wilnecote Staffs. J.Wesson
Brandon Marsh
Bittern on East Marsh Pool
Stonechat (K.Yates)

Kingsbury WP
Smew x 2 (m & f) on Cliff Pool (TVB)

Just across the border....
Wilnecote, Staffs.
Waxwing x 3, for 3rd day (Shelton Street, outside Health Centre)

Friday, February 26, 2010

26th Feb 2010.

Kingsbury WP
Scaup ( fem ) Hemlingford water..........Birdguides.
Smew ( drake ) Cliff Pool..........Tame Valley Birding.

Charlecote GP.
Tundra Bean Goose also Little Egret @ Charlecote Park .......Birdguides.

Church Lawford
Bewicks Swan......Birdguides

Thursday, February 25, 2010

25th Feb 2010

Bittern - J.Wesson

Brandon Marsh
Bittern x 1
Oystercatcher x 2 ...... J.Wesson

Draycote Water
Great Northern Diver
Yellow-legged Gull (adult)
Goosander (2 male, 1 female)......Bob Hazell

Middleton Hall
Great White Egret (Silt Pool) ...... Birdguides

Fishers Mill
Smew (redhead) ..... Birdguides

Kingsbury Water Park
Scaup, female .......... Birdguides

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

24th Feb 2010

Brandon Marsh
Bittern (East Marsh Pool) .....K.Groocock
Oystercatcher x 1

Kingsbury Water Park
Scaup female, Hemlingford Water .......Birdguides

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

23rd Feb 2010

Kingsbury Water Park
Scaup female (Hemlingford Water) ...... Birdguides

Brandon Marsh
Bittern x 2 (East Marsh Pool) ...... A Johnson

Draycote Water
Great Northern Diver......Bob Hazell

Goosander x 5 on R.Arrow near Oversley Water Treatment Works......Mary

Monday, February 22, 2010

22nd Feb 2010.

Draycote Water
Glaucous Gull juv.......flew north
Great Northern Diver still.............Birdguides.

Shustoke Res
Goosander pair early morning........LJ.

Kingsbury WP.
Smew (drake) on Otter Pool.........Tame Valley Birding.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

21st Feb 2010

Morton Bagot
Great Grey Shrike still SP110645 (Birdguides)

Church Lawford
Bewick's Swan still with Mute Swans (RBA)

Draycote Water
Red Crested Pochard x (2 drakes).

Saturday, February 20, 2010

20th Feb 2010

Draycote Water
Mediterranean Gull (Birdguides)

Friday, February 19, 2010

19th February 2010

Morton Bagot
Great Grey Shrike still at SP110645 (Birdguides)

KingsburyWater Park
Smew x 2
Black-tailed Godwit over north (Birdguides)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

18th Feb 2010

Bittern .......M Silverman.

Brandon Marsh
Goosander (f) (K.Yates)

Morton Bagot
Great Grey Shrike no sign today in heavy snow (Birdguides)

Draycote Water
Great Northern Diver x 2 (Birdguides)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

17th Feb 2010

Church Lawford
Bewick's Swan still with Mute Swans (Birdguides)

Kingsbury WP.
Smew x 2 ( 1 drake) on cliff pool this evening (Birdguides)

Brandon Marsh
Goosander (Birdguides)

Bittern (RBA)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

16th Feb 2010

Great Grey M Silverman.

Morton Bagot
Great Grey Shrike still SP109644 (Birdguides)

Hams Hall
Green Sandpipers x 2 .........Tame Valley Birding.

Draycote Water
Great Northern Diver x 2.........Birdguides.

Monday, February 15, 2010

15th Feb 2010

Morton Bagot
Great Grey Shrike still SP109644 (Birdguides)

Brandon Marsh
Bittern x 2 on River Pool (RBA)

Kingsbury WP
Goosander x 4 on Canal Pool (B.Green)
Smew x2 (1 drake) on Cliff Pool (Birdguides)

Draycote Water
Great Northern Diver (RBA)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

14th Feb 2010.

Morton Bagot
Great Grey Shrike still at SP109642. On hedgerow opposite Millennium Way footpath this morning (David Scott)

Earlswood Lakes
Goosander x 20 at Terry's Pool (Matthew Grittiths)

Draycote Water
Great Northern Diver.
Common Scoter x 3 drakes (R Mays)

Hams Hall
Green Sandpiper x 2

Ruff flew north (C Cook)
Little Egret x 2

Church Lawford / Bretford.
Bewick Swan still with Mute Swan's (R Mays)

Shawbury Wood.
Common Crossbill x 2 (Birdguides)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

13th Feb 2010

Morton Bagot
Great Grey Shrike still SP110645; park under pylons and walk west on Millennium Way to pools (Birdguides)
Merlin female (Craig Reed)

Green Sandpiper x 6 in flooded field on Stoneleigh Road (RBA)

Brandon Marsh
Bittern still on East Marsh Pool (RBA)

Draycote Water
Great Northern Diver (RBA)

Church Lawford
Bewick's Swan still with Mute Swans (RBA)

Friday, February 12, 2010

12th Feb 2010

Brandon Marsh
Bittern x 2........ Birdguides

Morton Bagot
Great Grey Shrike @ SP110645......Birdguides.
Little Egret......RBA

Kingsbury Waterpark
Smew drake on Cliff Pool......Birdguides.

Goosander x 3

Hams Hall
Peregrine roosting on power station

Middleton Hall
Little Egret on Hall Lake

Thursday, February 11, 2010

11th Feb 2010

Brandon Marsh
Mandarin Duck (drake)....RBA
Bittern ................................RBA

Morton Bagot
Great Grey Shrike @ SP110645......Birdguides.

Draycote Water
Great Northern Diver x 2
Med Gull 1st winter...................Birdguides.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

10th Feb 2010 B Duckhouse.

Brandon Marsh
Bittern ......east marsh pool.......B Duckhouse.

Church Lawford
Bewick Swan....... still south of A428 @ 9-35.....K Groocock.

Shustoke Res
Goosander x 2 .........L Johnson.

Goosander x 7 .....Tame Valley Birding.

Kingsbury WP
Little Egret x 2 ..Swann Pool.......Tame Valley Birding.

Yellow-legged Gull
Goosander.............Tame Valley Birding.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

09th February 2010

Draycote Water
GN Diver x 2 .... Bob Hazell

Church Lawford
Bewick's Swan .... Bob Hazell

Earlswood Lakes
Goosander's x 4 ......on Terry's Pool........M Griffiths.

Brandon Marsh
Bittern east marsh pool ........Birdguides.

Monday, February 08, 2010

8th February 2010

Draycote Water
Great Northern Diver x2
Goosander (drake) ....Bob Hazell

Goosander x 3........LJ.

Ladywalk NR
Lesser-spotted Woodpecker.......Tame Valley Birding.

Hams Hall
Green Sandpiper x 2 (on river Tame)............Tame Valley Birding.

Middelton Hall
Little Egret x 2 on hall pool..........Tame Valley Birding.

Goosander x 2 Babbs Mill adjacent to river cole ............G Farmer.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

7th February 2010

Brandon Marsh
Bittern x 1 still on East Marsh Pool early morning
Pintail x 4 (Birdguides)

Kingsbury WP
Pintail (drake).......cliff pool .

Draycote Water
Great Northern Diver .. R Mays .

Saturday, February 06, 2010

6th February 2010

Kingsbury Tip
Yellow-legged Gull (adult)
Med Gull (1stw)

Kingsbury Waterpark
Little Egret x 2 on Swan Pool

Little Egret x 1

Church Lawford
Bewick's Swan still with Mute Swans (RBA)

Friday, February 05, 2010

5th February 2010

Draycote Water
Great Northern Diver x2
Common Scoter (female)
Goosander (male and female) (Bob Hazell)

Brandon Marsh
Bittern (D.Melville)

Ladywalk NR
Green Sandpiper on river (Birdguides)

Church Lawford
Bewick's Swans still with Mute Swans (Birdguides)

Thursday, February 04, 2010

4th Feb 2010

Draycote Water
Great Northern Diver x 1
Mediterranean Gull in roost yesterday (Birdguides)

Kingsbury Waterpark
Smew redhead on Cliff Pool.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

3rd Feb 2010

Fisher's Mill
Egyptian Geese x 4 (Tame Valley Birding).

Lea Marston & Coton
Smew x 2 drakes on Coton Lake (Birdguides).

Draycote Water.
Lesser-spotted Woodpecker......behind Lin Croft point
Woodcock.......Grays Barn.............Draycote Website.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

2nd February 2010.

Goosander x 2o........Tame Valley Birding.

White-fronted Geese x 6
north along river Blythe west of Maxstoke......Tame Valley Birding.

Monday, February 01, 2010

1st February 2010

Draycote Water
Great Northern Diver - at least one
Common Scoter (female)
Goosander - 12 females, 6 males Bob Hazell